Coming soon to Kickstarter!
Design by Corwin Riddle | Art by Janette Ramos
Mechanics: tile-laying, drafting, universe-creating
Age: 10+ Players: 2-4 Time: 60 minutes
Your time has come.
In Cosmology, you are a celestial being of nearly unlimited power and obsession and, after eons of waiting, you have finally been called to purpose. A universal eruption has occurred, sending cosmic matter barreling across the void and giving you the chance to create beautiful order from raging chaos.
When finished, you will have formed a new galaxy built according to your own flawless design. But you are not alone; others have also heard this call of the cosmos and wish to claim the event for their own destinies.
As the universe watches, you must gather interstellar material to craft and shape the perfect galaxy - one composed of solar systems that not only satisfy your own ethereal compulsions, but will attract the primordial forces necessary to cultivate life for millennia to come.
When the stardust settles, only one creation will be worthy of remembrance - will it be yours?
Create your universe in a way that will attract ancient primordial forces to your star systems by surrounding your suns with their preferred arrangement of planets.
Attract primordials
Fostering primordial life isn’t your only objective - you must also ensure that the pieces of your universe fit together in a way that satisfies your cosmic designs.
Fulfill your designs
The worlds are yours
Use the many different planet, sun, moon, and comets to fill our your universe - each tile type has bonuses (and restrictions) depending on where it is placed.
Do you have Tabletop Simulator? Email me at for a link to our discord, where we organize online playtesting events!